Tzu Chi Academy San Dimas

課程 - 學雜費不可抵稅 Classes - Tuition Fees are not tax deductible. *新生請必須在指定註冊日期才註冊 New students may only register on the designated registration date.

2025-2026 學年註冊簡章

  • 舊生:04/06/25。
  • 新生:05/01/25。
  • 新生應收報名費用:$40(不可退費)05/01/25開始,舊生報名視同新生,必須繳交$40報名費。
  • 學費/才藝課材料費用:$600 (含課本 ,作業本,才藝課材料費)。
  • 第二子女優惠:$20(僅在第一個兄弟姐妹已經註冊後適用,必須同時註冊家中子女)。
  • 學年日期:08/17/25~05/17/26(上32週日,上課日期請依照學校行事曆為止)。
  • 上課時間:週日9:00 am ~ 12:30 pm。
  • 課程規劃:一節人文課、一節才藝課及兩節語文課,每節課後有十分鐘休息時間。學生可以帶素點心及水壺。
  • 語文課程:採用美洲華語教材。
  • 才藝課程:20堂才藝課程仍在規劃中,依開學正式公佈為準。課程可能包括:茶道、花道、環保藝術、毛筆、繪畫、國畫、心素食儀烹飪課等。
  • 班級人數:每班以25人為限,至少10人才開班,學生人數不足或其他因素需考量時,學校有權決定不開班。
  • 新生測驗:除了幼中及拼音班級學生外所有新生均需參加「程度測驗」,均依程度分班,考試日期將另行通知。
  • 錄取方式:依報名註冊手續全部完成之先後次序優先錄取。
  • 家長注意事項:
    • 學校將在每週五藉由電郵、簡訊、或電話錄音等方式公告學校愛的叮嚀信息。
    • 敬請家長踴躍參與本校各項人文活動,如:家長說明會、開學典禮、家長/老師座談會、新春活動人文精神課、浴佛節/三節合一人文精神課、結業典禮。


  • 入學年齡:4足歲~未滿18歲。4足歲以上的初學者,可進幼中班學習,必須在2025年8月17日之前滿4歲。
  • 制服:學生必須穿慈濟制服及背慈濟書包,請在學校以現金或支票購買,支票抬頭 TZU CHI ACADEMY。深藍色卡其長褲和白色運動鞋,請自行在Kohl’s, Target, Walmart…等處購買。
退學與退費辦法 (請參考學校政策, 退費計算及手續費)

請填寫退學退費申請表Tuition Refund Request後電郵至學校郵箱 ,學校財務將會以同樣付費方式退費給家長。


2025-2026 ENROLLMENT


  • Returning Students begin 04/06/25.
  • New Students begin 05/01/25.

TUITION AND FEES ( per school year, not tax deductible)

  • Registration Fee: $40 (non-refundable) is required for all new students. Returning students, who enroll in class before 05/01/25 may waive the $40 registration fee.
  • Tuition and Extracurricular Material Fees: 600 (include textbook, homework sheets, extracurricular material fees).
  • Second Sibling Discount: $20 (is only applicable after the first sibling has already registered, have to registered all sibling together in one registration).


  • School Year: 08/17/2025~05/17/2026 (per 32 Sundays, please refer to school calendar for class date).
  • School Hours: School begins on August 17, 2025, and takes place Sunday between 9 AM – 12:30 PM.
  • Curriculum: Two periods of Chinese classes, one period of Humanity class, and one period of extracurricular class.  There is a ten-minute break after each period. Students may bring vegetarian snacks and water bottles.
  • Chinese Curriculum: Use Mei Zhou Chinese as a textbook.
  • Extra Curriculum: 20 extra curriculum classes schedule are subject to change and may include: Tea Ceremony, Flower Arrangement, Recycle Art,  Brush Calligraphy, Drawing, Traditional Chinese Painting, Vegetarian Cooking, etc.
  • Class Size: There will be a maximum of 25 students per class. For a class to commence, a minimum of 10 students is required.  If the minimum number is not reached, or for any other reason, the school reserves the right to cancel a class.
  • Placement Test: All new students (first grade and above) need to take a placement test. Further notification of test dates will be provided later.
  • Enrollment: Determined by the order of complete registration.
  • Parents Please Note:
    • A weekly reminders regarding school events will be sent on Fridays, either to your Email or as text or voice message.
    • Parents are strongly urged to participate in school activities throughout the school year including: Orientation, First Day of School Assembly, Parent/Teacher Conference, Chinese New Year Celebration Humanity Class, Buddha-Bathing Ceremony Humanity Class (May), Last Day of School Assembly.


  • Age:
    • 4 years old to under 18 years old.
    • Pre-k class  is available for beginners levels of proficiency from ages 4. Must be at least 4 years old before August 17, 2025.
    • PinYin ~ Higher Grade is available from ages 5 and up. New students enrolled in first grade or higher will be assessed before enrollment.
  • Uniform:
    Students are required to wear Tzu Chi uniforms, and purchase Tzu Chi school backpacks which can be purchased from the school office.
    Uniform and backpack purchases need to be paid separately through cash or by check payable to TZU CHI ACADEMY. Navy Blue Khaki trousers and white sneakers may be purchased at stores such as Kohl’s, Target or Walmart.
WITHDRAWAL AND REFUND PROCEDURE (Refer to school policy for refund calculation and fees) 

Please fill out the Withdrawal/Tuition Refund Request Form and email the form to school. School finance department will refund in the same payment method. Refund processing time may take 3~4 weeks, NO REFUND will be given for the registration fee.  Tuition is not refundable after the 7th week of school year.


Website 網頁:
Address 地址: 1100 S Valley Center Ave, San Dimas, CA 91773
Phone 電話: 909-447-8614
Email 電郵:[email protected]